Instructions Following Sedation

  • Your child will be drowsy and will need to be monitored very closely. Keep your child away from areas of potential harm.
  • Your child will need to be placed in a proper child car seat or booster seat for the ride home.
  • If your child wants to sleep, place them on their side with their chin up. Wake your child every hour and encourage them to have something to drink in order to prevent dehydration. At first it is best to give your child sips of clear liquids to prevent nausea. The first meal should be light and easily digestible.
  • If your child vomits, help them bend over and turn their head to the side to insure that they do not inhale the vomit.
  • Because we use local Anesthetic to numb your child’s mouth during the procedure, your child may have the tendency to bite or chew their lips, cheeks, and/or tongue and/or rub and scratch their face after treatment. Please observe your child carefully to prevent any injury to these areas.

Please call our office 918-352-3312 for any questions or concerns that you might have.